How to Manifest with Essential Oils

Why Use Essential Oils in Manifestation?
Scent Power: Our sense of smell is deeply connected to our subconscious mind, making essential oils a potent tool for embedding your goals deep within your psyche.
High Vibrational Energy: Natural essential oils have high vibrational frequencies, which are crucial for elevating your own energy to attract what you desire.
Positivity Boost: Essential oils can infuse you with confidence, energy, and positivity, all key elements for successful manifestation.
Top Essential Oils for Your Manifesting Toolbox
Sandalwood: Perfect for gaining clarity on your goals. Its calming properties help you focus on your deepest desires. We use Sandalwood in our Manifest and Folklore blends.
Neroli: A high-vibration citrus oil that's excellent for attracting abundance and joy. We use Neroli in our Secret Garden blend.
Sage: Great for action and focus, helping to keep negative thoughts at bay. We use Sage in our Manifest blend.
Rose Geranium: Embrace self-love and worthiness with the heart-opening power of Rose Geranium oil. We use Rose Geranium in our New Romantic and Soothe blend.
How to Use These Essential Oils
Clarity with Sandalwood
Diffuse Manifest oil while you write down your manifestation goals. This oil, associated with vision and clarity, helps you pinpoint what you truly want to manifest.
Abundance with Neroli
Secret Garden oil is wonderful for visualisation. It’s not just an oil; it’s a frequency enhancer for your abundance rituals.
Clearing with Sage
Sage's stimulating aroma is excellent for kick-starting your manifesting action plan. A few drops in your diffuser can clear blocks and negative energy, helping you stay focused and energised.
Self-Love with Rose Geranium
New Romantic oil is a luxurious ally in your self-love practices. Use it on your heart chakra before meditative affirmations. Add a drops of New Romantic to our diffuser or light a New Romantic Candle.
Programming Your Scent
To maximise the effectiveness of these oils, create a scent association with your intention or goal. Regularly inhale your chosen oil while visualising your goal, embedding the scent deeply with your aspirations.
If you’re manifesting a book deal, visualise signing that deal while inhaling your chosen scent. Each time you work towards this goal, reinforce it with the same aroma. This consistent pairing of scent and vision will strengthen your manifestation practice.
Candle Tip:
Consider a scented candle as an additional sensory trigger. Light it whenever you’re actively working on your manifestation goals, creating a ritual that aligns scent with intention.
Manifestation with essential oils is about creating a sensory bridge to your subconscious, aligning your energy and focus with your deepest desires. Choose oils that resonate with you, use them intentionally, and watch as the universe aligns to bring your dreams into reality.