Yougi Essentials for your Summer Staycation

A long-awaited trip can often feel a little more frantic than relaxed; sometimes the stress of travelling, struggling to switch off and sleeping in a new place can make it feel as all the time off has slipped away before truly getting the chance to feel fully recharged and reconnected to ourselves.
Whether you’re planning on heading to the coast or staying a little closer to home this year, natural fragrances and essential oils can go a long way in helping you make the most of your staycation.
Try using different scents in different spaces throughout your home or on a trip to help create a revitalising balance between work and play this summer.
Our Detox scent works perfectly as a calming and clarifying scent for day time. A blend of rosemary, peppermint, spearmint, lemongrass and juniper therapeutic-grade essential oils work to awaken your senses, clear the mind and give a sense of zen. Try adding a few drops of the Detox Essential Oil to your diffuser to energise and uplift your mood each morning.

Burn the Happy Candle outside for fresh citrus and soft oriental floral scent, to get you in a happy holiday vibe. It's also a natural anti-mosquito and anti-bug repellant for an extra bonus.
To help us unwind and relax in the evenings or on holiday, we love using essential oils like lavender, geranium, and clary sage. In our Soothe Essential Oil, they blend with eucalyptus and bergamot to create a deeply relaxing scent. Try adding this essential oil to a steam diffuser in a room you like to relax in at home or add a few drops to a bath to create a spa-like sanctuary at home.
Lastly, using scents to set intentions on holiday (or in everyday life) can help to transform your mood and bring some mindfulness, magic and ritual to the day.